NOTICE OF PUBLICATION: STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers, and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Caddo County, Oklahoma: Mallorn Energy LLC is seeking a non-commercial saltwater disposal well for the existing Marple 1-36. Below is the required information per Oklahoma rule OAC 165: 10-5-5 (c) Application:
UIC tracking number: 2401100701
Name and address of applicant: Mallorn Energy LLC; P.O. Box 30815 Edmond, OK 73003
Location of proposed well to nearest 10 acre tract,
Well name: Marple 1-36; API number 3501522735
The geological name of the injection formation: Rowe and Upper Wade
The top and bottom of the injection interval: Top- 3600’; Bottom – 4215’
Maximum injection pressures: 2500 psi
Maximum BID or MCFID injection rate: 15000 bbls
The type of well (injection, disposal, commercial): Non-commercial saltwater disposal
Objections may be filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission within fifteen (15) days after the publication of this notice. Objections, if any, should be mailed to Oil and Gas Conservation Division, Pollution Abatement Department, Jim Thorpe Building, P. O. Box 52000, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-2000
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